The TPC-W subcommittee has finalized all modifications and clarifications from the review phase of TPC-App. TPC-App is a web service benchmark consisting of transactions involving database interactions, durable message queue operations, and displaying ACID properties running against a commercial application server. The primary metrics are Total SIPS (Service Interactions Per Second), SIPS per Application Server, Price Performance (for example $/SIPS), and the System Availability Date.
The subcommittee has spent the last two months determining the final interaction mix and parameters to attain the desired application server to database server processing ratio. The current ratio is now approximately 5 : 1. The complete suite of application verification test, ACID tests, and reporting requirements has been finalized. Additionally, requirements regarding various application logs were clarified. SUT restrictions, in particular permissible caching techniques were further clarified. The format of the Executive Summary was completed, and includes a sample document in the appendices. Also added to the appendices is a rationale document which answers some of the common questions regarding the benchmark and business model.
The TPC-App specification has been sent to Mail Ballot. The Mail Ballot phase extends until February 16th. If approved, the specification will be available immediately for publication of results.