The TPC-W subcommittee completed all changes incorporated from the comments received during the public review phase. TPC-W Version 2 is a web service benchmark consisting of transactions involving database interactions, durable message queue operations, and displaying ACID properties running against a commercial application server. The primary metrics are SIPS (Service Interactions Per Second), Price Performance which is, for example $/SIPS, and the system availability date.
The subcommittee discussed and incorporated marketing induced changes. The largest revision is the permission and inclusion of a Clustered configuration which is comparable to Non-Clustered configurations. The Clustered configurations are required to be homogenous in both software and hardware configurations. This is to prohibit ‘special function’ systems which would confuse the focus of the benchmark. The subcommittee is working final modifications to incorporate and accommodate the homogenous application server configuration for clusters.
The subcommittee will decide on these final modifications and incorporate the necessary changes by the October meeting.