The TPC-W subcommittee continued its development of the
next version of TPC-W. Version 2 is
a transactional web service benchmark consisting of
database interactions displaying ACID properties running
against a commercial
application server. The primary metrics
are SIPS (Service Interactions Per Second), Price Performance
which is $/SIPS, and the system availability date.
Components that must be commercially available have been
enumerated and defined. The subcommittee has also adopted
additional requirements such as adhering to the WS-I basic
profile (BP1.0) for web service interoperability. Strict
restrictions have been placed on user written/modified
code regarding operations resulting in caching of data.
All caching of durable data must maintain full atomicity,
consistency, and isolation (ACI).
All benchmark clauses
have been defined and accepted. This includes processing
requirements, database schema and population,
test run requirements, and steady state requirements for
the test run. It also includes ACID tests which demonstrate
compliance of the database system as well as that of distributed
transactions and message queues. Reporting requirements,
and audit requirements for the web service interactions
have also been defined and accepted.
Two prototype efforts
have thus far yielded three initial sets of prototype data
(2 .NET, 1 Java). Additional prototype
data is expected as time proceeds. Prototype performance
is trending upward as the implementations evolve. The prototypes
demonstrate the specified workload can be implemented using
both Java and .NET.
The subcommittee presented the
draft specification to the TPC General Council and received
unanimous approval
to proceed to Company and Public review with comments accepted until February 20, 2004.