The TPC-W subcommittee is currently developing the next
version of TPC-W. The benchmark is a transactional web service
benchmark consisting of a commercial application server and
database interactions displaying ACID properties.
The TPC-W subcommittee is in the development phase of the
web services version of the benchmark. The benchmark will
provide for the measurement of the performance and throughput
of a commercially available web/application server that provides
web services to clients. The primary metrics are SIPS (Service
Interactions Per Second), Price Performance which is $/SIPS,
and the system availability date. An industry standard database
product, which may be running on a second server, will be
used to provide data storage and integrity of business information.
The business model addressed by this benchmark is focused
on the business to business scenario. The SUT will be driven
by web service requests made through the industry standard
and vendor neutral protocols of SOAP and XML. The business
logic of the web services must be implemented such that it
runs in the context of a managed environment.
Currently the benchmark defines the following B2B interactions:
- New
- Create Order
- Stock Management (background task)
- Order Status
- New Products List
- Product Detail
- Change Customer Payment Method
- Change Item
The processing requirements for these
operations have been defined, reviewed and accepted by the
subcommittee. The subcommittee has also defined the database
schema and the majority of the benchmark requirements in
regards to the Test Run as well as reporting requirements.
The subcommittee is now ready to begin the prototyping phase.
The subcommittee expects the prototype phase to last approximately
until August 2003, during which the remaining clauses will
be completed. The subcommittee has set the target schedule
for benchmark approval process for October of 2003.