TPC-DS V3 Most Recently Published Results
Version 3 Results   As of 28-Mar-2025 at 5:31 PM  [GMT] Print This Page
Note 1: TPC-DS Version 2 and TPC-DS Version 3 are NOT comparable.
Note 2: The TPC believes it is NOT valid to compare prices or price/performance of results in different currencies.
Note 3: The TPC believes that comparisons of TPC-DS results measured against different database sizes are misleading and discourages such comparisons.

Date Submitted Scale Factor Company System QphDS Price/kQphDS Watts/kQphDS System Availability Database Operating System Cluster
02/12/25 10,000 GB China_Telecom_Cloud China Telecom Cloud TeleDB 40,206,063 179.53 CNY NR 02/12/25 China Telecom Cloud TeleDB 5.1 CentOS Linux Release 7.9 Y
10/09/24 10,000 GB Tencent Tencent Cloud TDSQL 72,603,042 37.52 CNY NR 12/12/24 Tencent TDSQL v10.3 Enterprise Pro Edition (PostgreSQL v5.21.18) Tencent TencentOS Server 3.2 Y

Note 4: 'NR' in the Watts/kQphDS column indicates that no energy data was reported for that benchmark.