TPCx-HCI Result Highlights  As of 2-Jul-2024 at 7:13 PM  [GMT]

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Benchmark Stats
Result ID: 12112011 
Status: In Review 
Report Date: 12/01/2021 
TPCx-HCI Rev: 1.1.8 
TPC Pricing Spec: 2.7.0 
Auditor: Doug Johnson 
Result Information
Total System Cost: 237,573 USD 
TPCx-HCI Throughput: 4,790.18 tpsHCI 
Price/Performance: 49.60 USD per tpsHCI 
TPC-Energy Metric: Not Reported 
Availability Date: 12/01/2021 
Active Expiration Date: 11/30/2024 
Virtualization SW: VMware vSphere 7.0 Update 2 
Guest VM OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 
Data Accessibility Node Recovery Time: 2:05:38.00 
Business Recovery Time: 00:14:40 
Redundancy Level Details: Redundancy Level 3 
Server Specific Information
CPU Type: AMD EPYC 7713 2.0GHz, 256MB L3
Total # of Processors: 4
Total # of Cores: 256
Total # of Threads: 512
Memory Size: 4,096 GB

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